Monday, May 3, 2021

Buying vs selling

As the saying goes, perception is everything. A good entrepreneur must have this in the back of their mind, if they want to remain relevant. When customers feel they are being sold something rather than choosing to buy, you may not get another purchase from them.

                Everything being bought and sold is done first from an emotion. The product or service is eliminating some type of pain or solving a problem. This is the niche; now how do you tap it? i.e. luxury items are purchased for status approval in their community. They want to be loved and accepted thus a positive feeling is evoked.

                A good business man’s job is to remove or reduce all negativity of that experience. Make sure your solution is better or different. It does not have to be cheaper but it does have to create desire. Ask these questions:

1. What is the problem with____?

2. What is the number on question with___?

3. What can I do to help with___?

When your customer feels that they bought positivity instead of being sold questionably? Expect to have repeat business.


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