Friday, May 1, 2015

Be your own ringmaster!

Are you living the life you want? Is the World Wide Web controlling you or are you controlling it? Save money, time and reach places that you not considered. Let today’s technology work for you. Here are some indispensable must have sites for the modern day entrepreneur:
    Docusign: ; have the ability to sign documents on line via emails
       Uberconference:; when you have conferences, the profiles, picture and social media becomes interactive during the conference.

       Dropbox:; When files are too large to attach in the email, this is an options
    Google Drive: People can work on a project online. i.e spreadsheets
        Google task List: type what and when something needs to be done. Reminder icons will keep appearing until task is complete

        Go to my PC:; If you need to access your computer, you can do so remotely.