Saturday, April 1, 2017

A Successful Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are a unique breed. They have decided to charter their own course instead of following the templet set out in front of them. So, what are the keys to their success? Why are they unique? If you would like to be a successful entrepreneur, here are some suggestions that should be in your mindset:
1.       Put yourself in the game. You can’t win if you are on the sidelines.

2.       Don’t wait to be rescued; build your own raft. No spouse, no friend or parent can help you do the work. If you want a flat stomach, you will have to do the daily sit ups.

3.       Don’t wait for someone to give you the answers. How do you know what they are telling you is right for you and not their agenda? Create your own blueprint and be your own hero.

4.       Take the risk. Many will ask why you would do that. Don’t live your life by what others think. You will limit yourself for other people’s happiness and their comfort zone.

5.        Remember this is an inside job that begins with self-image. Who you are authentically, will be who you are successfully. Capitalize on your uniqueness.

6.       Don’t spend, invest. Going to network events, conventions and seminars will cost money. However, look at the rewards. You might meet a good mentor, clients and many other opportunities that you never considered. For what you purchased, look at what you gained.

7.       Believe in yourself and worth. Many disconnect with yourself because you don’t know your power.  It is not unusual; to see elephants being led by a small person or a domesticated lion is being pushed around in animal sanctuaries. A long time ago someone trained these large beasts to be grateful and dependent.  Is that you?

8.       Say yes to your desires. Don’t say no or maybe. When will you get up and live your life of abundance? When someone says no, don’t be ok with that. No one should settle for crumbs or scraps from the table. Leave that scarce mentally alone.

9.       Always have integrity. Practice what you preach.  If you don’t, that very person you messed up will not be silent and your misbehavior will impact future clients. Don’t mess up your future by not following through. The world is small and the internet is large.

10.   Connect with the bigger purpose. Yes, you want a nice paycheck but everything has a price and your happiness will cost you. Why price are you willing to pay? Always try to be ethical and have values. Now ask yourself: “how committed am I to get what I want?”