Monday, January 2, 2023

The most important person


Jamaican Proverb

What ah fiyu cyaa be un-fiyu


Whatever is meant for you can never be taken away from you. The phrase is usually said to someone who has overcome many challenges to achieve their goals.

Don’t ever try to fit in when God clearly created you to stand out. No one should go along to get along especially when morals and values come into question. Whatever is meant to be, the creator will provide a way for you to have it. Decisions that are made on impulse will impact you now and the future. The most important person is you, so always say these affirmations:

·         I am the best.

·         I can do it.

·         God is always with me.

·         My future is positive and I come back from my setbacks.

Remember crisis come not to destroy you but reveals the cracks in your life that needs attention.