Monday, March 3, 2025

ABCs to a happy life


A – Avoid negative people and situations

B – Believe in yourself

C- Consider everything from different angles

D- Don’t give up

E- Enjoy life today for tomorrow may never come

F- Family and friends are hidden treasures; spend time with them

G- Give more than you plan to give because Karma is its own reward

H- Hang on to your dreams

I - Ignore the nonsense

J – Just do it

K – Keep on trying no matter how hard it gets

L – Love yourself 1st and acknowledge the creator

M – Make it happen

O – Open your eyes to everything around you

P – Practice makes perfect

Q – Quitters never win

R – Read learn study

S – Stop procrastinating

U – Understand yourself 1st and you will understand others

V – Visualize it

W – Want it more than anything

X – You already marked a spot in the world

Z – Zero is not on your target, so g for it!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

10 teas to remember part 1


Cerasee (momordica charantia)

This is the most feared tea because of its bitter taste. It is believed to be a blood cleanser and sugar control agent for diabetes. It is widely accepted that a fair consumption of this weekly will prevent colds, flu, headaches, jaundice, and bellyache. It is also said to reduce the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, and high blood pressure. But although some people brew it and keep it refrigerated for use instead of ice cold water, others believe too much of the tea will lead to liver disease.


2. Fever grass (Andropogon Citratus (Cymbopogon)

Fever grass, otherwise called lemon grass, is a popular tea. It is grown wild in the rural parts of Jamaica and has a soothing, light lemon flavor. Most people in the rural areas of the island drink it to recover quickly from high fever, hence the name. However, some like the taste, therefore, it is had day or night. Fever grass also provides relief from nervous headaches, as well as stomach and urinary problems. For those who suffer from gum ailments and external fungus, this herb can be helpful.


3. Sour sop leaf (Annona Muricata)

The sour sop fruit is versatile and can make juices, jams or ice cream. However, the leaves from the tree are used to make tea for such ailments as diabetes and nervous system problems. Sour sop leaves help to regulate the nervous system, relieve insomnia, lower blood pressure, aids persons suffering from kidney and gall bladder problems, colds, fevers and even helps persons with worms. It is also a good first-aid remedy in cases of fainting or wounding.


4. Lime leaf

Lime leaf tea is the ultimate 'poor man's' tea. In the rural areas it is quite popular as it is an inexpensive way to soothe the palate in the mornings. All that is needed are a few leaves, hot water and sugar. There are no known medicinal properties of lime leaf tea, but people drink it for the lime lovely flavour.


5. Garlic (Allium Sativum)

Garlic is one of the most useful herbs. As a tea it is not the most tasty or the most socially acceptable aroma, but it has many medicinal benefits. Garlic is used to lower high blood pressure, for colds, coughs, whooping cough, earaches (using garlic oil), and bronchitis. It is also used for gastrointestinal ailments and again, country folk use it for an asthma attack to calm the wheezing. This versatile herb also relieves various problems associated with poor digestion and even has a stimulating effect on the sexual glands.



6. Ginger

Ginger tea has a harsh yet soothing taste. Many individuals use it to cure 'bad feelings', indigestion and relieve nausea and vomiting. It is also used to ward off colds, sore throat and the flu.


7. Donkey weed (Sylosanthes Hamata)

Donkey weed, otherwise called pencil flower, lady's ginger or cheesy toes, is often sweetened with milk and drunk as a hot beverage in Jamaica. It is used as a cold remedy and for kidney trouble. Some persons give it to teething children to relieve fever. At times it is used for relief from arthritis. Additionally, this herb is used as an aphrodisiac. The sap is used externally to remove warts, sores and moles from the skin. At the same time it is safe enough for teething children who suffer fevers. This herb, used externally, rids the skin of imperfections.


8. Dandelion (Cassia Occidentailis)

Dandelion has been used for medicinal purposes since the 10th century and has proven value as a diuretic (flushing excess water from the body). It also promotes the flow of bile and stimulates the appetite. Dandelion juice once enjoyed considerable popularity as a diuretic, laxative and remedy for rheumatism. In folk medicine, dandelion is also used as a remedy for haemorrhoids, gout, rheumatism, eczema, other skin conditions, and diabetes.


9. Black mint and peppermint

Black mint and peppermint are two of the favourite local bush teas. Mint teas are popular breakfast accompaniment, but some people have it any time of the day or night. It is also given to young children at bed time. Black mint, on the other hand, seems to be the less popular but has a good flavour. Peppermint is versatile and is used for minor ailments, like nausea, headache, vomiting or any general nausea. Black mint aids the digestive system and is useful for persons suffering from cancer of the digestive tract. It facilitates the quick healing of wounds and abscesses. It is beneficial to persons who have 'smelly feet' because of its deodorising properties.


10. Leaf of life (Bryophyllum Pinnatum)

A succulent plant used in folk medicine. The plant is remarkable in that even a small piece of the leaf will grow. As the name suggests, life through a leaf. It is a good remedy for hypertension, bronchial problems, colds, bruises, boils, ulcers, insect bites, ear-aches, sprains, swelling, arthritis, tay-tay worm, and cleans bladder. The tea relieves colds, asthma and shortness of breath; sometimes with the addition of salt. It has been used to remove harmful bacteria from the intestines and to clean the bladder and urine. Persons who have high blood pressure also use it. The tea is used to bathe swellings, sprains and bruises. Fresh leaves can relieve headaches, earaches, sprains and pains. When applied to boils and abscesses, it helps them to mature. It is also said to relieve arthritis. The plant is also called 'live forever' because, when leaves fall to the ground, new plants sprout from the scalloped edges and take root. Superstition associated with the plant include:

If a man fastens a leaf above his sweetheart's door and a new plant grows at each notch, he believes that she has been faithful to him.

In Jamaica, leaves are mashed with castor oil and applied to the breasts to treat mastitis in nursing mothers. To alleviate the wheezing associated with asthma, the leaves are heated and the extracted juices mixed with honey; this is given to the patient by the spoonful.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Sour Sop


    Jamaican soursop is a somewhat confusing fruit for those unfamiliar with it. It’s a delicious treat, but many visitors to the island are often amazed at its unique appearance. The skin in ripe fruits is yellowish-green in color, the ovoid fruits can grow up to 12 inches in length, and are covered with blunt “spines.” The fruit can weigh up to 15 lbs. the flesh is cream-colored, and the leaves emit an unpleasant odor.

    Jamaicans call the fruit soursop and it’s also known as guanabana, cherimoya, custard apple, and Brazilian Paw. Fans of the fruit have described the taste as a combination of apples and strawberries with notes of sour citrus. The texture is reminiscent of a banana. The fruit’s origins are a mystery, though it’s been cultivated in Africa, South America and the Caribbean for thousands of years.

    It’s been used as a medicinal throughout history, but can be toxic with long-term usage or when taken in large amounts. Soursop is eaten raw, made into a refreshing beverage, and often used in desserts that include gelatin, custard, ice cream and jelly. It’s also popular as a refreshing beverage. It contains an extensive array of nutrients that include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and C. Soursop also has calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and zinc.   

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The health benefits of pineapple

Sweet, juicy pineapple is both delicious and nutritious. Loaded with vitamin C and anti-inflammatory 

properties, this prickly fruit helps you ward off infections and feel your best. Enjoy this versatile fruit 

alone, in salsas, salads, cakes, and pies, baked with ham, and grilled with meats. Keep reading to learn 

about the many health benefits of pineapple.

 1. Pineapple improves joint and muscle pain

Pineapples contain bromelain which is a natural anti-inflammatory enzyme. Eating pineapple improves 

symptoms for those with arthritis and injury related joint and muscle pain.

2. It wards off colds and flu

Pineapples are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is important for the immune system. Numerous 

studies have shown that those who consume high levels of Vitamin C come down with less cold and flu 

viruses, so eating pineapple just might keep you from catching the next bug.

3. It clears sinus and chest congestion

Bromelain in pineapple breaks up mucus and has anti-inflammatory effects. For those with cold, flu, or 

allergies eating pineapple is a good way to ease congestion.

4. It improves circulation

Pineapple contains potassium which is a vasodilator. This means eating pineapple can help reduce 

blood pressure and prevent heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis.

5. It promotes tissue and cellular health

The body needs vitamin C to make collagen, which is the basic protein of skin, organs, bones, and 

veins. Eating vitamin C rich pineapple improves collagen production, helping to improve overall health 

and to speed up wound healing. Pineapple also contains manganese, which keeps bones strong.

6. It fights cancer

Pineapples are rich in vitamin A, beta carotene, bromelain, different flavonoid mixes, and large amounts 

of manganese, which all have anti-cancer and anti-tumor effects. Pineapple has specifically been 

identified with preventing and improving treatment of cancers of the mouth, throat, and breast.

7. It improves digestion

Rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, Pineapple helps keep the digestive system regular and helps to 

relieve and prevent bloating and constipation. 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Benefits of coconut water


Rehydrates the Body:  Coconut water is an excellent thirst quencher to beat tropical summer thirst. Because of its electrolyte composition, coconut water is also used to rehydrate the body in case of dehydration and fluid loss due to diarrhea, vomiting or excessive sweating. A good source of carbohydrates, it also helps lift your energy level.

Lowers Blood Pressure:  Coconut water is considered good for controlling high blood pressure, thanks to its vitamin C, potassium and magnesium content. Potassium, in particular, helps lower blood pressure by balancing out the negative effects of sodium.

Heart Tonic: Cholesterol – and fat- free tender coconut water offers cardio protective benefits. It helps lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL or the “bad” cholesterol) levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

Relieves Hangovers: Coconut water is also a great natural remedy for hangovers. Alcohol robs your body of hydration and this dehydration causes your morning-after booze blues. Coconut water replenishes the electrolytes in the body and boost hydration, thus making you feel better. 

Treats Headaches: Most headaches, even migraines, are triggered by dehydration. In such eases, coconut water can be of great help in supplying electrolytes to the body and boosting hydration. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Health benefits of Sorrel



    Sorrel drink is a festive beverage in Jamaica that is consumed mainly during the Christmas time 

along with the Jamaican fruit cake. However, while this fascinating perennial herb is cultivated all over 

the world for a wide variety of purposes, in Jamaica, sorrel is primarily used as a beverage. But there 

are many health benefits associated with our favorite Christmas drink. Here are some remarkable and 

surprising ways drinking sorrel can have a positive effect on your health.

     According to the Scientific Research Council (SRC), sorrel contains a wide range of essential 

vitamins and minerals. But it is a group of compounds called Flavonoids which not only give its deep 

red color but acts as a powerful antioxidant which scavenges the body of free radicals that can cause 

deadly diseases. Research at Jamaica’s Northern Caribbean University has revealed that sorrel could 

kill certain types of cancer cells. Again, this is due to the high levels of Flavonoids that work as a 

deterrent against certain kinds of cancer.

    Sorrel is used as a diuretic in India, Africa and Mexico and has benefits for kidney health when 

ingested daily. According to the Jamaica Gleaner, in some parts of Africa the red calyx of the sorrel is 

used to relieve coughs, while the leaves are made into a poultice to relieve boils and abscesses. Sorrel 

has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering bad cholesterol and helping to prevent 

clogged arteries. As a plant with significant amounts of Vitamin A, sorrel can help to improve poor 

eyesight and prevent age-related ocular degeneration.

    Ingesting sorrel regularly helps to optimize the body’s immune system and prevent illness due to its 

high Vitamin C content. Sorrel also has significant levels of iron which helps improve circulation 

throughout the body by boosting red blood cell production and oxygen levels in vital organs.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Money Affirmations


Do you believe in Karma or affirmations? If the answer is yes, say these quotes every day.

1.       Abundance flows easily to me because I am open and ready to receive the money that is already on its way to me.

2.       I am so grateful for financial freedom.

3.       I always pay my bills and have something extra.

4.       Money come to me easily and effortlessly

5.       My actions create constant prosperity

6.       I am aligned with the energy of abundance

7.       I am a magnet for money